MeshGuard Flat Safety Spline 100' Roll

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Product Overview

Use MeshGuard Flat Spline to install the MeshGuard Screen Material into the Meshguard Base. The Flat Spline comes in 100 foot rolls — the size of your enclosure will determine how much you need. Use the MeshGuard porch screening system to enclose decks and other structures without the use of pickets — enjoy insect protection and clearer views. 

All MeshGuard components must be used to meet building code requirements. In addition to the Spline, you will also need: 

Benefits of MeshGuard System

  • Can be used in 6’ x 3’ openings below the porch handrail 
  • Create an unobstructed view of the outdoors
  • Withstands 2x the designed pressure for guardrail infill
  • Unlimited design possibilities for new or existing porches
  • Premium hardware
  • Made of high density vinyl, steel, and a special polyester screen for unrivaled strength
  • Seamless integration with Screen Tight
  • 1.5” wide base & cap, 8’ lengths
  • Multiple cap colors - white, gray, beige, and brown
  • Also provides Insect protection

For Screen Tight & MeshGuard integration: Use MeshGuard below the rail and Screen Tight above. The porch screen systems use the same trim cap to create a cohesive finished appearance.

Approved by Building Codes

ESR-3938 – MeshGuard has been confirmed by the ICC Evaluation Service (ICC-ES) that it is satisfactory to resist loads specified in Section 1607.8.1.2 of the 2015 and 2012 IBC (Section 1607.7.1.2 of the 2009 IBC) and Table R301.5 of the IRC, when installed at the maximum clear span distance of 72 inches (6-ft, 1828.8 mm) between the posts.


For contractors and larger projects, request a bid.


Have questions? Read below or contact us! We’d be happy to help you with your project. You can also visit the Metro Screenworks showroom in Highlands Ranch, Colorado to see our products in person. 

Can You Convert a Deck Into a Screened-In Porch?

Yes. You can do so easily with MeshGuard and Screen Tight. MeshGuard can create a guardrail infill system that meets code and Screen Tight is a porch screening system that seamlessly integrates with MeshGuard. Both systems provide nearly unlimited design possibilities and offer insect protection.

Are Screened-In Decks Worth It?

Absolutely! Screened-in decks allow you to enjoy the outdoors no matter how thick the bugs might be. It isn’t just the annoyance of insects that screens help to pacify. Screens can also protect you and your family (even your pets) from diseases carried by insects. 

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