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Apr 11th 2018

Replacement Window Screens: How Often Should I Replace My Screens? - Part 2

Window screen mesh with text "how often should I replace my window screens?"

Replacement Window Screens: How Often Should I Replace My Screens? - Part 2

Hello and welcome back to the Metro Screenworks blog! In our last blog post, we addressed the question “How often should I replace my screens?” This first installment of our blog series talked about what affects the longevity of your window screens and, of course, when you have to invest in replacement window screens. Today, we will be discussing the last of the main factors and provide you with solutions to get the most out of your window screens.

What Affects the Longevity of Our Screens

Last time, we covered the first aspects that affect the life of our window screens. Those that we discussed include:

  • Structure
  • Material
  • Frame
  • Corners

Keep reading to learn more about about what can make or break our screens, or catch up on part one!


    If your screen is removed and reinstalled frequently, it’s longevity will definitely be affected. Though it is best not to take your screens in and out, if you do find yourself removing and reinstalling your screens frequently then you need to invest in high-quality window screens. However, we at Metro Screenworks would suggest that you invest in retractable screens. They are exactly as they sound: they lock into place when in use, and retract out of the way, when you no longer need them.

    Water damage

    Water can put a lot of wear on your screens. Window screens that are constantly wet or damp from sprinklers will definitely deteriorate faster than those that aren’t exposed to as much water. If your screens are in a place where they are always going to be exposed to dampness, consider investing in stainless steel screen. Also, trim bushes, trees, and other plants away from your home.

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    The use that your screens receive will also greatly influence their effectiveness and longevity. From water, to children and fur babies, our screens can end up putting up with a lot of abuse. If you have kids that tend to test the limits or love to play with your home’s fixtures, your screens may occasionally get the brunt of abuse. Also, our pets can put quite a bit of wear and tear on our screens. From pawing and possible climbing, our pets can render our screens quite ineffective. If you feel like you are constantly pulling out your rescreening tools or looking to buy replacement window screens, then you may want to consider investing in pet screen or super screen: both are screening materials that are heavy-duty, PVC-coated screen that have been made to withstand lots of use and abuse.


    Your environment can play a key role in the longevity of your window screens. The sun, though it is a source of life, can be one of the main culprits for breaking down your window screens. Hail, and other severe weather, as well as your proximity to the coast can all play key roles in how many years you will get out of your screens. Though the weather will always contribute to destroying your screens, you can invest in screens that are specifically designed to handle these elements. For example, pet screen and super screen can often withstand consistent hail storms and copper screen can be a great choice for those who live on the coast.

    Need Replacement Window Screens?

    Stay tuned for our next blog post that will discuss when you might need to replace your window screens. If you have questions, Metro Screenworks has the answers and solutions. Our Denver-based screen company has been supplying those across the country with custom screens and window screening material solutions for years. If you have questions about your window screens, or wondering what replacement window screens you should invest in, contact us! We would love to help you! Be sure to visit our website to see just how many options you truly have.

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